Sunday 20 August 2023

Learning Outcome of the Photography Workshop

 Imagination - 'An Art of Seeing'

 A Photography Workshop by Kaushik Ghelani Sir :- 

 Welcome, readers! In this blog, I will be sharing my learnings and experiences from a workshop focused on various technical aspects of photography. This blog is Inspired by Dr. Dilip Barad Sir.  On August 17th, 2023, the Department of English organized a one-day workshop titled "Imagination - An Art of Seeing," A photography workshop centered around capturing creativity and stories told  through the lens of a camera.

 Here are the pictures of the boardwork created by Dhatri, Pallavi, and Riya from Semester 1. They have skillfully crafted the boardwork to align with the workshop's theme. 

  The Workshop was divided into two sessions, commencing around 12 p.m. Students from Life Science Department also Joined Us. Trushali Dodiya served as the anchor. To welcome Kaushaik Sir, Riya Bhatt from Semester 1 presented a floral bouquet. Avani Jani Introduced Kaushik Ghelani Sir, and Dilip Barad sir also shared a few words about the chief guest.

  □ Brief Introduction of Kaushik Ghelani Sir:- 

 Mr. Kaushik Ghelani sir is a Wildlife Photographer and filmmaker, by Profession. He is a Columnist at Mumbai Samachar. He is involved in Producing Wildlife films for various government departments and Working on Wildlife Documentation for multiple assignments within these departments. He Writes a Column about travel titled "Travel Story " in Mumbai Samachar.

  He has notably Published a Special Story for International Tiger's day in Hindustan Times. He also had a lion's Special Story Published in the March - April 2022 edition of National Geographic Magazine. 


● Learning Outcome :- 

   During the First Session of workshop Kaushik sir taught us about the mechanics and Technicalities of Camera. Through Sir's keen Observations he guided us about How to Create a frame. Sir also talked about aesthetics of Photography.  Sir told us that Photography is the Core subject and Camera is Just a medium. 

  "One have to Identify the Genre by Putting Frames in a Story. " 

According to Kaushik Sir ; 

 " Photography is always about learning, not pleasing Oneself."

 Kaushik sir shared many Interesting Stories with all of us with the help of Photographs which was taken by him. Along with that, Sir Covered Photographic techniques like ; 

   ● Centre Focus Rule :- It is the Part of a Work that draws the eye of the Viewer, the centre of attention in the Image. Centre Focus rule has a big impact on how the viewer appreciates the Image. 

By Kaushik Ghelani Sir

   ● Golden point :- The Golden Point or Ratio is a guide to Where to place a Subject or element in a Photo (like the horizon) where it will be most pleasing to the eye. 

   ● Horizon :-  A Horizon line in Photography is the literal line in a photograph across which the horizon travels. Horizons are the Vanishng Point that forming a natural line and divides a Photograph. 

   ● Grounded earth Photography :- Ground level Photographs show an area as if we were standing there and looking at it from ground level. The camera becomes our eyes and records what we see. 

   ● Symmetry :- In Photography, Symmetry apperas when Parts of Composition mirror other Parts. Symmetry defines something being clean, balanced and will make Pictures appear tidy , neat and Clinical. It reflects Symmetrical beauty. 

   ● Geometric Shapes :- Geometric Photography Focuses on the Geometric lines, Shapes and Patterns that exist in the World. Geometric Images are often found in Architectural Photography, the Subject matter can be anything from Vast CityScapes to Patterns in nature. 

   ● Leading Lines :- Leading lines are a Compositional technique where human made or natural lines lead the Viewer's eyes through a Photograph to the subject or to the heart of the Image. 

   ● Depth of Field :- The Depth of field is the distance between the nearest and the Furthest Objects that are in acceptably sharp focus in an image Captured with a Camera.

   ● Head / Leading Room :- The Lead room Principal in Photography is a simple but essential Part of compositional technique. This refers to a Space and also leads to a well composed and visually appealing Picture. Compose with breathing space where the Subject looks. 

   ● Break the rule :- Break the rule to create something very different from Others. 

   ● 1:3 Preposition :- The rule of thirds is a Composition guideline that Places the Subject in the left or right third of an image. The rule of thirds generally leads to Compelling and well composed shots. 

 ● Breathing space :- It defines negative Space and emphasises the main subject of a Photo, drawing an eye to it. 

 ● Negative Space :- Negative Space Photography is related to minimalist Photography. It emphasizes not just the subject but also the empty space around the subject. 

  The mentioned techniques in photography are essential to incorporate into the camera work. It's crucial to pay attention to all the points that were discussed by Kaushik Ghelani Sir, including the significance of establishing eye contact while taking Photos. Additionally Sir covered various aspects of camera settings and Speeds such as aperture, shutter speed, and ISO.  Here, I am sharing some captivating and intriguing photographs captured by Kaushik sir. These photos showcase the application of various techniques and beautifully narrate a Story. 

 After comprehending the technical aspects of cameras and photography, we concluded the first session of the workshop. In the second session, Kaushik Sir assigned a task to us that  within one hour, we all have to capture any five photos and submit the Photographs. This phase of the workshop focused predominantly on practical application, building upon our understanding from the initial part of the workshop and to implement all the techniques  that we had learned. So, We all students from Semester 1 and 3 set out to explore the University Campus surroundings with the goal of capturing intriguing and appealing Photos. Kaushik Sir also told us that while taking Photos; 

   " One Should know that What to Include and What to exclude. " 

 The second session of the workshop became increasingly captivating and dynamic as Kaushik Sir analyzed the photographs from a critical perspective. As Sir had previously emphasized:

   "Criticism holds greater significance than appreciation."
   " Never get Impressed by the Likes and Appreciation."
These key statements imparted by Sir during the workshop not only provide valuable guidance in the realm of photography but also offer a compass for navigating any field successfully. Truly This Workshop was a Capitaving Journey into the world of visual Storytelling. Through Sir's expert Guidance we all gained a deeper understanding of Composition, Lighting and Framing. This Photography Workshop not only enhanced technical skills but also about an appreciation for the art of capturing moments. 

  Kaushik Ghelani Sir, renowned for his expertise in both photography and Filmmaking, Provides us with a unique Opportunity during the Workshop. We Watched two films :- "Vasudev kutumbkam" and another is about "World Environment Day".

 Here I am Uploading the photographs that I and my Classmate took during the Second Session of the Workshop. 





    The top three selected photographs for winning positions were as follows: Avani Jani secured the first place, followed by Dhruvi who achieved the second rank from the Life Science Department, and Drashti Joshi stood third. Additionally, Kaushik Sir appreciated the photographs of some other students also. 

  During the concluding part of the workshop, Dhatri, Bhumiba, and I shared our feedback. We mentioned that the workshop greatly aided us in learning numerous new aspects of cameras and photography. Hina conveyed the vote of thanks, and Ghanshyam & Megha Ma'am presented a booklet to Kaushik Sir.

 The workshop was an incredibly enriching experience, and I am truly grateful to Kaushik Sir for dedicating his time to teach us these skills. I also extend my appreciation to Dr. Dilip Barad sir for his constant encouragement, as well as to Vaidehi Ma'am and Megha Ma'am for organizing this workshop and providing us with a new way to explore. At last we took a group Photo and made one another memory. Finally, we Captured a group Photo, Creating another memory. 

  Thanks to the Students from Life Science Department also for their Presence. 

 Thank you For Visiting...

 Keep Learning..✨️😊














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