Tuesday 29 August 2023

Midnight's Children

 Hello readers! This blog is Written in response to the thinking activity given by Dr. Dilip Barad sir as a Part of an Academic Work. In this blog I will discuss about Salman Rushdie's novel - Midnight's Children and will discuss few  questions related to the novel. Before going Further, First let us have an Introduction about the novel and Writer itself. 

 Salman Rushdie's Novel :- 'Midnight's Children :-'

 Writer :- 

 Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie was born in Bombay on 19th June 1947 during the British Raj, into an Indian Kashmiri Muslim Family. He is an Indian - Born British - American Novelist. Salman Rushdie is from Educated Muslim Family.  His Work Often Combines magic realism with historical Fiction and Primarily deals with Connections , disruptions and migrations between Eastern and Western Civilizations , typically set on the Indian Subcontinent. His allegorical novels examine historical and Philosophical issues by means of Surreal Characters , brooding humour and an effusive and melodramatic Prose Style. 

  "Rushdie's treatment of Sensitive religious and Political Subjects made him a Controversial Figure."

 Salman Rushdie is an acclaimed Novelist on the Unique truths found in Fiction and the appeal of Social Media. In one of the Interviewer with Salman Rushdie he says that ; 

        " He Strives for Writing that Stands the test of time." 

  Rushdie's Fourth novel 'The Satanic verses' encountered a different reception. After the novel's Publication in the Summer of 1988 , drew Criticism for Muslim Community. On February 14 the Spiritual leader of revolutionary Iran , Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini , Publicly Condemned the book and issued a Fatwa ( legal Opinion) against Rushdie. A bounty was offered to anyone who would execute him. He went into hiding under the Protection of Scotland Yard. Despite the standing death threat , Rushdie Continued  to write, Producing 'Imaginary Homelands' (1991) - a Collection of  essays and Criticism. If we talked about Mental Temperament of salman Rushdie we can understand that ; 

  " His Way of looking at the things was highly Post - Modernist." 

    In August, 2022 Rushdie was attacked and Seriously Injured while onstage in Chautauqua, New york. He had been Scheduled to give a Speech about the United states being a refuge for exiled artists. In that attack Salman Rushdie faced a long recovery and ultimately lost his one eye. 

 Apart from these many things Salman Rushdie has received many Plaudits for his Writings.

   □ About Novel :- 

 Midnight's Children is a 1981 magic realism novel by British American novelist Salman Rushdie. The Story follows Saleem Sinai - a Child born at the moment of India's Independence who Possesses Strange Powers. The novel won many awards , including the Booker of Bookers Prize, which was awarded to the best all time winner of the Booker Prize on the award's 40th anniversary. The novel Midnight's Children has been adapted for theatre, radio and Film. 

Midnight's Children is a Second novel of Salman Rushdie. The novel Published by Jonathan Cape with Cover design by Bill Botten about India's transition from British colonial rule to Independence and Partition. It is a Postcolonial , Postmodern and magic realist story told by its chief Protagonist Saleem Sinai, set in the Context of historical events. 

First Edition 

Exactly at midnight on 15th August 1947 two boys are born - Saleem and shiva in a Mumbai Hospital , Where they are Switched by a nurse. Saleem Sinai , who will be raised by a well to do Muslim Couple , is actually the son of Vanita and a British Colonist William Methwold. Shiva, the son of the Muslim Couple , is given to a Poor Hindu street performer whose wife has died. 

 Saleem represents modern India. When he is 30, he writes his memoir , "Midnight's Children." Shiva is destined to be Saleem's enemy as well as India's most honoured War hero. This multilayered novel Places Saleem at every significant event that occured on the Indian Subcontinent in the 30 years after Independence. There novel has so many Characters. 

○ The Novel is divided into three Sections :- 

  Book 1 

Timeline - 1915 to 1947

  Book 2 

Timeline - 1947 to 1965

Book 3 

Timeline - 1965 to 1978

□ Film Adaptation :- 

  Midnight's Children is a 2012 Film Adaptation of salman Rushdie's novel with the same title. With a Screenplay by Rushdie and directed by Indian born Canadian Film Director Deepa Mehta. The film was shown at the Toronto International Film Festival.


□ Question - Answers :- 

Before we delve into questions and answers related to the novel "Midnight's Children," Here, I am embedding one Video that offers a better understanding of this literary work.

Question 1 :-  Symbols in Salman Rushdie's novel - "Midnight's Children".

Answer :-   Symbols Played a Pivotal role in enhancing the Understanding of a Particular Literary Work.  By reading the symbols in the novel, As a readers we are invited to explore the intricate web of historical, Political and Cultural Forces that shaping the nation. Midnight's Children novel Challenges us to go beyond the surface of the story and decipher the riche tapestry of symbols that illuminate the broader Context of India's tumultuous Journey from colonial rule to Independence. Symbols Shapes our understanding about the novel in a more deeper way. 

 Following are Some Prominent Symbols from the Novel : - 

1. Silver spittoon :-   The silver spittoon is a Symbol of memory and memory loss. The Silver Spittoon give to Amina as a Part of her dowry by the Rani of cooch Naheen is resposible for saleem's loss of memory. Even when he has amnesia, however Saleem Continue to cherish the Soittoon as if he still understands its historical value. Following the destruction of his all Family members , the silver spittoon is the only tangible remnant of Saleem's Former life, and yet it too is eventually destroyed when saleem's house in the ghetto is torn down. 

Spittoons once used as Part of a cherished game for both old and young, gradually fell out of use  :- the old men no longer Spit their betel juice into the Street as they tell stories , nor do the Children dart in between the Streams as they listen. 

  The Spittoon is the Symbol of a vanishing era, which, in retrospect, Seemed Simpler and easier. And so, although Saleem sinai may not be able to recall the Specific association between the Spittoon and his Family. The Silver Spittoon maintains its Symbolic quality as both a container of memory and Source of amnesia - Forgetfulness. 

2. Perforated Sheet :-   Perforated sheet is one of the Important Symbol in the novel Midnight's Children. Aadam Aziz taking care of Nazim on the other side of the Sheet. The Whole narration of this novel is like Perforated Sheet. The Perforated sheet through which Aadam Aziz falls in love with his future wife Performs Several different Symbolic functions throughout the novel. Aadam Aziz falls in love with her in Pieces. The Symbol of Perforated Sheet reveals as well as Conceals. The Film Adaptation is also able to capture the Symbols in an effective manner. 

 " The Symbol of Perforated sheet represents the internal and external world of Characters."

  The hole of Perforated Sheet represents a Portal for vision but also a void that goes Unfilled. 


   The Perforated Sheet makes one final appearance with jamila Singer : in an attempt to Preserve her Purity. She Shrouds herself Completely , except for a single hole for her lips. The Perforated sheet, in addition to Preserving her Purity , also reduces to her to nothing more than a Voice. In that way, the sheet becomes a veil that Separates her from the rest of the world and reflects her inability to accept affection. 

3. Pickles :-    The Symbol of Pickles Viewed as preserves as well as Destroys. Pickles are repeatedly mentioned in Salman Rushdie's novel :- 'Midnight's Children.' They are Often viewed as Phallic Symbol, they are generally representative of the power of Preservation within Rushdie's novel. Saleem is the manager of a Pickle Factory, and he Preserves Pickles and chutneys each day. He also attempts to Preserve his own life story like the Pickles in his Factory. Saleem largely manages to Preserve his life through Storytelling , offering a bit of immorality to a dying man , and he also labels and stores each chapter he writes in a pickle jar, so that they may be read later, by his son for example. 

  This Connection between Pickles and the Preservation of stories endures until the very end of the book, When Saleem Ceremoniously labels his very last Pickle Jar as a way of Closing out his story and his life as a Whole. So, The Symbol of Pickles is very Important. 

 4. Knees and Nose :-    The knees and Nose are the Symbols , which represents the Power of the two boys - Saleem and Shiva. In addition to Symbolizing each boy's special Power , knees and nose also play another role. Shiva is Suspected of killing a String of Prostitutes With his Powerful knees, while Saleem uses his nose to discover the most decrepit Prostitute in the City. Knees and Nose - Just like Shiva and Saleem, destruction and Creation, faith and humility - are inextricably related. 

5. Saleem and  Shiva :-    Saleem is Shiva and Shiva is Saleem.  They both are Swapped children in the Mumbai hospital by nurse. They are Binary Opposition and Complementary to each other like yin and yang. If Saleem is allegorical India , the history of India is incomplete without the story of Shiva. 

  Shiva is unaware about him being 'Magical child' of the Midnight while, Saleem suffers from amnesia. 

  Question 2 :-  Discuss the Significance of the title, "Midnight's Children." what does it represent in the context of the novel?

 Answer :-    The title chosen by Salman Rushdie, Midnight's Children, refers to the 1,001 children born within the hour after the stroke of midnight on the day of India's Independence, August 15, 1947, each with a special gift. In Particular, two babies are born at the stroke of midnight in the same nursing home - one to a wealthy family and one to a Poor family. And of course, a nursemaid switches babies : a street singer cuckolded by a departing Englishman is given the aristocratic Muslim infant and names him Shiva ; a wealthy Kashmiri - descended family, the Aziz / Sinais, is given the " cucumber - nosed" English - Hindu and names him Saleem. After the babies are Switched at birth, they become enemies. Saleem , now living with the wealthy family, was born with the gift of telepathy. While Shiva, who is living with the Poor family. Their Complicated relationship informs not only their lives, but that of the nation as well.

Midnight's Children is about the narrator's growing up in Bombay between 1947 and 1977.  It is also a novel of India's growing up ; from its special , gifted infancy to its very ordinary , drained adulthood. It is a record of betrayal and corruption , the loss of ideals, Culminating with " The Widow's emergency rule." As a growing - up novel with allegorical dimensions, it will remind many things to the readers.  

  "Shiva and Saleem (the narrator) are destined to be mortal enemies from the stroke of midnight."

 Saleem receives all the attention. His birth is celebrated with Fireworks. Growing up on a Bombay estate, he bumps his head one day while hiding in his mother's laundry hamper and discovers a gift for telepathy. From the age of nine, he can enter other lives at will , see through walls ,  Plumb all secrets , including the secret of his true parentage. But, his telepathic gifts bring death and destruction and also very little happiness. 

 He discovers that every one of the midnight Children is miraculously gifted ; only Saleem is telepathic. The Midnight Children are type hope of the nation. The Plot of this novel is Complicated enough, and also Flexible enough , to smuggle  Saleem into every major event in the Subcontinent's past 30 years. 

 The title of the novel represents the context by highlighting the Parallelism between the Personal lives of the Protagonist , Saleem Sinai , and the broader Historical events in Post Independence India. The novel explores how the destinies of these Midnight's Children are intertwined with the tumultuous history and Politics of India, reflecting the nation's journey through its early years of independence , Partition and Socio - Political transformation. 

 □ Conclusion :-    In Conclusion the title of the novel "Midnight's Children" Serves as a metaphorical and allegorical device to underscore the complex relationship between  Individuals and the historical forces that shape their lives. 

In addition to the Question & Answers , we also conducted a lab activity focused on the deconstructive reading of symbols in Salman Rushdie's novel 'Midnight's Children.' Here, I am also Putting that in my blog to provide you with a better understanding.

According to the video, the study of symbols in "Midnight's Children" is contextualised within which literary framework?

   a) Structuralism

   b) Modernism

   c) Post-structuralism

   d) Realism

2. The concept of "pharmakon," as discussed in the video, refers to:

   a) A type of symbolic gesture in literature

   b) A binary opposition in storytelling

   c) An ancient Greek mythological figure

   d) A term with dual meanings - both remedy and poison

3. In Plato's "Phaedrus," what argument does Socrates present about writing and speech?

   a) Writing is superior to speech for communication.

   b) Writing is a form of art, while speech is a utilitarian tool.

   c) Writing is inferior to speech and is misleading.

   d) Writing and speech are equally effective forms of expression.

4. According to Derrida's theory of "archie writing," speech is considered:

   a) The original form of language

   b) An outdated form of communication

   c) A form of writing that predates speech

   d) A way to preserve knowledge through text

5. Explain the concept of "pharmakon" in the context of the video's discussion. How does this concept challenge the idea of a single, fixed meaning in language? Provide examples to support your explanation.

Answer :- yes, After watching the video We came to know that “Pharmakon” is a Greek word and it is a Philosophical Concept that Challenges the idea of a single, fixed meaning in language. The word Pharmakon has a dual meaning and it refers to something that is both a remedy and a Poison. This concept Challenges the Clear cut definitions in language. Here we can apply Derrida’s idea about Free Play of meanings. Words have Contradictory meanings based on their context. For Example, The word Freedom can be interpreted differently. This Challenges the idea of Fixed meanings.

6. Discuss the significance of the symbols "perforated sheet," "spittoon," and "pickles" in "Midnight's Children." How do these symbols reflect the novel's themes and contribute to its deeper meaning? 

Answer :-  There are many symbols in Salman Rushdie’s novel :- “ Midnight’s Children”. The Perforated sheet means Reveals as well as Conceals . Aadam Aziz taking care of Nazim on the other side of the sheet. The Symbol of Perforated sheet highlights the Characters internal and external worlds.The Silver Spittoon Symbolises Memory as well as Amnesia means -Forgetfulness. Spittoon initially represents an old tradition. But, The Symbol of Spittoon Showcases the Characters Struggle with their own Identity and Cultural Shifts. The Symbol of Pickles Viewed as Preserves as well as Destroys. The Connection between Pickles and the Preservation of all different stories remains until the end of the book. Pickles embody the Complexity of history and the blending of different Cultures. So, That is how all the symbols reflect the novel’s major  themes of hybridity and Identity Crisis. 

7. How does the post-structuralist approach, as described in the video, impact our understanding of binary oppositions in literature? Provide examples from the text to illustrate how binary oppositions are explored in "Midnight's Children."

Answer :-  The Post - Structuralist approach Challenges the idea of fixed binary Oppositions in literature. Derrida produces a Play of Binary Oppositions Crucial to Western logocentrism tradition :- remedy/ Poison, Good/bad, Speech/Writing. In Midnight’s children this approach is evident through the exploration of Characters. For Example, the novel Challenges the binary of Truth and Fiction. Another example is the exploration of real and imagined. In the film we can see that Saleem’s narration constantly shifts between reality and fantasy.So, this Challenges traditional binary Oppositions and Offers Post - structuralist approach. 

 8. Reflect on the duality between history and memory as discussed in the video. How does Salman Rushdie's portrayal of memory loss contribute to the understanding of collective memory and personal history in the context of the novel?

Answer :- The Novel Midnight’s children highlights the interplay between history and memory. Saleem who is the Protagonist of the novel lost his Personal Memories. The loss of personal memories Parallels the erasure of individual stories From the border national narrative. So Salman Rushdie highlights memory loss and its impact on Collective memory through the narrator and protagonist of this novel Saleem sinai. 

● So, Here I end my blog. I hope that this blog proves to be valuable to both you and others.

● Thanks for Visiting..✨️😊

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