Wednesday 27 September 2023

Cultural Studies - Understanding Power dynamics , Media Studies and Truly Educated Person

Welcome readers ! This blog is written in response to the thinking activity given by Dr.Dilip Barad sir - Department of English, MKBU. The topic of my blog is about Power dynamics and Media in the Cultural Studies. Apart from that, I will also delve into the Profound Insights gleaned from Noam Chomsky's video on what it means to be truly educated. This blog is inspired by Dr. Dilip Barad sir. First, Let's begin by understanding the meaning and essence of cultural studies. 

  Click here  to know more about Cultural Studies and about this task. 

 Cultural Studies 



    - What is Cultural Studies ? 

   Cultural Studies is an interdisciplinary field, drawing on theories and practices from a range of humanities and social sciences disciplines, that seeks to investigate the ways in which cultures produce and are produced. At the centre of Cultural Studies sits a host of questions, such as what constitutes a text, how some texts, visual images, and cultural artifacts come to be valued over others, and how questions of value relate to the distribution of power and authority.  Cultural Studies takes as its focus the whole Complex of Changing ideas, beliefs, Feelings , Values and Symbols that define a Community's Organization and sense of itself. When we Study Culture, we are Studying the world we live in and how we function in it. 

  Cultural Studies emerged in Britain in the late 1950s and Subsequently Spread internationally, notably to the United States and Australia. It Originally Identified with the centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies at the University of Birmingham ( founded in 1964 ) and with such Scholars as ; 

   ● Richard Hoggart

 ● Stuart Hall

● Raymond Williams 

  Cultural Studies later became a well -  established field in many academic Institutions, and it has since had broad influence in Other Fields like - Sociology , anthropology, literary Criticism and Philosophy. Among its Central Concerns are the Place of race or ethnicity , class and gender in the Production of Cultural Knowledge. 

1. Understanding of Power in Cultural Studies  :- 

  In Cultural Studies , the Concept of Power Occupies a central and multifaceted role. Power is not merely a force of domination but a Complex interplay of idealogies , institutions and Social structure that shape and define Cultural Phenomena. It Operates through discourses that frame how we Perceives and interact with the world , Constructing hierarchies of Identity , class , gender and race. Cultural Studies Scholars investigate how power is exercised through representation , media and language revealing the ways in which dominant groups maintain Control and marginalize Others. 

Power is something we are often uncomfortable taking about. That is true in Civc life , how we live together in Commumity. It Played a vital role in Cultural Studies. Nobody is free from the dynamics of Power. Dynamics keeps on Changing evertime and that is why ; 

        " Power of one Centre, becomes Periphary in another Centre. " 

  In Democracy, it should be with People. It is important to know about where Power comes from , How it is exercised and what one can do to become more Powerful in Public life. In basic Definition : - 

         "Power is the ability to make Others do what you would have them do." 

  This Plays in all arenas of life from family to the Workplace and to our relationships. There are six main Sources of civic Power. 

  1. Physical Force

  2. Wealth 

  3. State action ( Government)

  4. Social norms 

  5. Ideas 

  6. Numbers (Quantity)

  Cultural Studies is interested in the Process by which Power relations between and Within groups of human beings Organize Cultural artefacts , Such as Food habits , music , Cinema , Sports events and their meanings.  There are three laws of Power worth examining. 

 1. Power is Never Static.

 2. Power is like Water.

 3. Power Compounds. 

 It is a useful to think in terms of literacy. It is important to learn that , How to read Power and Write Power. To read Power means to Pay attention to as many texts of Power as one can, it is not about books only. Seeing Society as a set of texts. Check / Map out that who has what kind of Power, arrayed in what Systems. For that to study Stratergies is important. To write Power requires first that believe in Our own self that as a human being we have to right to Write. To be an author of change in Society and do. As we all know that ; 

    " Any kind of Writing always helps in expressing our own self." 

  Speak up in a Voice that is authentic. Organize the ideas first and than Organize other People. But still one question is remaining is that ' Why Of Power'. Cultural Studies Scholars delve into the dynamics of Power to Understand how it is resisted and negotiated within Societies. Cultural Studies seeks to reveal hidden inequalities, Challenge dominant narratives and empower marginalized Voices. But , Remember one thing that ; 

   ' Power + Character = Great Citizen "    we have the Power to be one. 

   The Second goal of Cultural studies that it is Politically engaged. Cultural critics see themselves as oppositional , not only within their own disciplines but to many of the Power Structures of society at large. The Second goal of Cultural studies is about recognizing that Culture is not Seperate from Politics but intricately Connected to it. 

Michel Foucault , French Philosopher , French Philosopher and Historian. He gave the idea about Power and Knowledge. He argued that Knowledge and Power are intimately bound up. So much so, he coined the term Power / Knowledge to point out that one is not seperate from the another one. He challeneges the idea of Power and Says that ; 

                                    " Power is everywhere". 

 Michel Foucault is one of the few writers on Power who recognize that Power is not just a negative or repressive thing that forces us to do something against our wishes, but can also be a necessary, Productive and positive force in our Society. A key point about Faucault's approach to Power is that it transcends Political and Sees Power as an everyday, Socialised and embodied Phenomenon. 

   2. Why Media Studies is so important in our Digital Culture ? 

 Answer :-    Media Studies is important in the Context of Digital Culture because it equips individuals with the analytical tools. Media Studies fosters Critical thinking , enabling individuals to discern between credible Information and misinformation.  Ultimately , Media Studies Played a vital role and informed Citizenship in the Digital age. Media is a broad field which talks about History as well as Contemporary times.

 " Media Studies is a discipline and field of study that deals with the Content, history and effects of Various media ; in Particular , the Mass Media." 

 Media Studies and Cultural Studies are Connected with each other. Advertising , Marketing and Critique are all features associated with Media.  The role of the media is to provide accurate and truthful information to people. However, in contemporary times, this is often not the case. We tend to unquestioningly accept what is presented to us and share it without verifying its accuracy. The media exerts significant influence over the masses.

  When we talk about Manufacturing of Consent the question arises that whose Consent is being manufactured?  Noam Chomsky explained in the video that elite media are the sort of agenda - setting media , that means the ' New York Times' ,  ' The washington Post' , and major television Channels. They determine, they select, they shape , they Control , they restrict in order to serve the interests of the dominant elite groups in Society. From these Point we can understand that Media is holding a Power. It is important to know that who is in the Power and Who Owns a Media?  If we watch various news channels and then compare them, we may discover that some channels attempt to conceal the actual news, and it appears that those in power also influence news outlets. 

 - Five Filters of Media given by Noam Chomsky. They are ; 

 1. Media Ownership
 2. Advertising
 3. Media Elite 
 4. Flack
 5. The Common Enemy 

 We watched a video as part of our classroom studies in which we gained insights into the relationship between journalism and power. One female journalist was supporting those in power, while another male journalist consistently questioned and aimed to uncover the truth.

 3. Who can be Considered as a ' Truly Educated Person '?

 Education is not the mere acquisition of Knowledge and Skills. Instead , it is about thinking creatively and Critically as well. 

 In Noam Chomsky's video about what makes a truly educated person, he emphasizes the importance of critical thinking and independent inquiry. He argues that being truly educated is not just about memorizing facts and information but rather about developing the ability to question, analyze, and challenge existing knowledge and ideas. Chomsky believes that a truly educated person is curious, open-minded, and willing to explore different perspectives, making them better equipped to navigate a world and contribute meaningfully to the Society. 

  The Core Principle and requirement of a fulfilled human being is the ability to inquire and create constructively and independantly without external Controls. Futher In the Video he explained that ;  
                                    "It is not important what we Cover in the Class but it is important to be seen that what we discover in the Class."

A True education opens a door to human intellectual freedom and creative autonomy. To be truly educated means to be resourceful , to be able to formulate serious questions. It  means to Find One's own way through education. I want to end my blog with Putting Some Quotations which is directly connected with what it means to be a truly educated Person.

  ● " With the help of education People become lifelong learner." 

 ● Through Syllabus, what we discover in the Class - that is very Important."

● " The real understanding begins when we have unanswerable questions."

 ● " Education is about being life long learner." 

 □ Here , I end my blog. I hope that it will be helpful to you. 
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     [ Videos :- 04 ] 

 Thanks for Visiting ! ✨️😊

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