Sunday 17 September 2023

Novel - "The Home and the World"

Welcome, readers! This blog is a response to the thinking activity presented by Megha Ma'am from the Department of English at MKBU. It is part of our Thinking activity assignment where I will delve into various significant topics related to Rabindranath Tagore's novel 'The Home and the World' and provide a critical analysis of the work.

Before we proceed further, it is important to gain a brief overview of the novel and the esteemed writer himself.

  " The Home and the World " - Novel by Rabindranath Tagore :- 

 ☆ Rabindranath Tagore :- 

  Rabindranath Tagore born on 7th May, 1861 in Calcutta ( Now Kolkata) , in India. He was Bengali Poet, short story writer , song composer, Playwright , essayist and Painter who introduced new Prose and verse forms and the use of  Colloquial language into Bengali literature, thereby freeing it from traditional models based on Classical Sanskrit. He was highly influential in introducing Indian culture to the west and  vice versa, and he is generally regarded as the outstanding creative artist of early 20th century India. In the year 1913, he became the first non - European to receive the Nobel prize for Literature. 

 Although Tagore wrote successfully in all literary genres , he was first of all a Poet. Rabindranath Tagore had  early success as a writer in his native Bangal. With his translations of some of his poems he became rapidly known in the west. In fact his fame attained a luminous height, taking him across continent on lecture tours and tours of friendship. 

        " For the World he became the voice of India's Spiritual heritage ; and for India, especially for Bengal." 

" He became a great living Institution."

  Tagore reshaped Bengali literature and music as well as Indian Art with Contextual Modernism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Rabindranath Tagore's Poetic songs were viewed as spiritual and mercurial ; however,  his elegant Prose and magical poetry remain largely unknown outside Bengal. He was a fellow of Royal Asiatic Society. Tagore was known by - 'Gurudeb, Kobiguru and Biswokobi.' 

  Rabindranath Tagore received his nickname 'Gurudev' out of his respect by Pupils at his very unique and Special school, which he established in shantiniketan , called 'Visva Bharati University.' Shanti Niketan was developed and founded by Tagore family. This little town was very close to Rabindranath Tagore.

 ☆ Major Works :- 

  Tagore's Major Plays are :- 
  1. Raja  [The king of the Dark Chamber]


  1. Dakghar [ The Post Office] 


  1. Achalayatan [ The Immovable]


  1. Muktadhara [ The Waterfall ] 


  1. Raktakarabi  [ Red Oleanders] 


  1. Chandalika 


 As earlier I also mentioned that Tagore was first of all a Poet.  Among his fifty and odd volumes of Poetry are ; 

  1. Manasi [ The Ideal One] 


  1. Sonar Tari [ The Golden Boat ]


  1. Gitanjali [ Song Offerings] 


  1. Gitimalya [ Wreath of songs ] 


  1. Balaka [ The Flight of Cranes ] 


  Rabindranath Tagore also wrote many novels, among them are ; 
  1. Chokher Bali 


  1. Char Adhyay  


  1. Gora 


  1. The Home and the World 


  1. Shesher Kabita 

1929 ( In 1946 it is Published in English language). 

  Rabindranath Tagore is the author of several volumes of short - Stories. He often Published his works first in Bengali languages and then translated his own works into English language. The national anthems of India and Bangladesh  - 'The Jana Gana Mana' and the ' Amar shonar Bangla'    respectively are from Rabindrasangeet. 

  While Rabindranath Tagore Pursued writing, teaching and activism during much of his life, he became recognized as a Painter when he was in his sixties, with many of his works enjoying success at Exhibition in Europe.  

 Tagore died on August 7, 1941 , in Calcutta. 

  ☆ The Home and the World :- 

  The novel " The Home and the World"  Originally written in Bengali language under the title Ghare Baire (ঘরে বাইরে)    in the year 1916 by Rabindranath Tagore.   This novel depicts the battle Tagore had with himself, between the ideas of Western culture and revolution against the Western Culture. These two ideas are Portrayed in two of the main characters - Nikhilesh and Sandip. 

  Nikhilesh who is rational and opposes Violence, On the other side, Sandip who will let nothing stand in his way from reaching his goals. These two opposing ideals are very important in understanding the history of Bengal region and its Contemporary Problems. The novel was translated into English language by the author's nephew, Surendranath Tagore, With input from the author, in 1919. The Home and the World was among the Contenders in a 2014  list by The Telegraph of the 10 all - time greatest Asian novels.  Particularly Important to the novel is an understanding of the Swadeshi movement as a Part of the Indian Nationalist movement. The Swadeshi movement started in response to the 1905 Partition of Bengal by Viceory Lord Curzon, which temporarily Seperated Hindu and Muslims into different Geographical areas. 

   ■ Major Characters :- 

    In this novel , there are main three Major characters and the entire story is told through the viewpoints of the three main characters. The novel includes minor characters also like ; 

   ● Bimala's Sister in law :- Who is keen to mock and Criticise Bimala. 

   ● Chandranath Babu - Nikhilesh 's former tutor , a highly respected and kind old girl. 

  ● Amulya :- A Young man whose loyalties are divided between Sandip and Bimala. 

       Now let us discuss the three major Characters of the novel. They are ; 

   1. BIMALA



  Let us discuss and explore the deep study and analysis of all three major Characters. 

  1.Bimala :-   Bimala is the main character and narrator in the novel. She is the wife of Nikhilesh. Bimala in Rabindranath Tagore's novel - " The Home and the world" is Perhaps the liveliest character of the story. She is the centre of action as well as attraction of the novel. 

  There are two sides of Bimala. She is obligated to serve her husband and take of the household. Yet, She is also willing to overstep these boundaries to speak out for the people. In the beginning of the Novel , she herself admits in the course of  the novel that , she had a dark complexion and lacked Physical beauty. Yet she was fortunate enough to get married into the Zamindar's house. Bimala was married to Nikhilesh because of some good astrological signs in her and it was predicted that she would turn out to be an ideal wife. She got educated, introduced to the modern age and well acquainted with the modern standard of living. Bimala remained a devoted wife in spite of Nikhil's desperate endeavors to modernize her. She believed that her true place was at her husband's feet. She was Inspired by her own mother in wifely dedication and tried to fulfil her wifely duties in the same way as her mother has done. She makes it clear that she is destined to be a Perfect wife. She worships her husband and considers him to be his lord. Bimala explicitly tells that every morning , she took the dust of her husband's feet without waking him as ; 

        "At such moments she could feel the vermilion mark upon her forehead and shining out like the morning star." 

 As the novel Progresses, A new phase in Bimala's life has begun. She came out of her home - spun life and her wifely devotion, Partly because of Nikhil's Instigation and partly because of Sandip's charm. Moreover Sandip's impulsive and Persuasive manner , and exalted voice moved her away from her old reliance on her husband's sober , restrained idealistic stand. Nikhilesh allowed Sandip to consult Bimala on every little matter, relating to the great cause of  the Swadeshi. Sandip Actually flattered Bimala , and Conceded to her every suggestion after starting initial difference in an Opinion. In this way we can say that ; 

    " Sandip made a secret entry into Bimala's inner World."

  We can find Bimala's dilemmas throughout the novel. After suffering disillusionment Bimala finally returned to Nikhilesh - the centre of her life and love. In fact, she had never loved Sandip truly , Though she was fascinated by his charm, external glamour and show. But, when Sandip's cupidity get exposed and Bimala came to know the truth, Her retreat to her home and husband Nikhil becomes easy and inevitable. Bimala's inner conflict, agony and tension passed away when she returned to Nikhilesh - who stands for Bimala's true love.  

  Pradip kumar Datta who in his book -  The Home and the World - A critical Companion writes ; 
                 "Bimala in Tagore's The Home and the World emblematizes Bengali womanhood in Tagore's Contemporary Society. And at the same time , the subsequent changes in her way of living and thinking make her Psychologically,an engaging Personality." 

2.Nikhilesh :-    Nikhilesh or Nikhil is Bimala's husband and a wealthy merchant with Progressive views. For much of the novel , somewhere he feels that he is losing Bimala's respect. 

 Nikhil is Bimala's well to do husband and a merchant who owns an estate and two marketplaces in Bengal. He is educated and described as 'Modern' and Progressive in his Outlook. He sees his wife as his equal , and he would go to great pains to see her happy, even if that means her  leaving him. As the novel or story Progresses , he begins to feel as though he is not enough for his wife. As a result he grows more and more melancholy , distancing himself from her and focusing on improving himself as he anticipates her leaving.

   Nikhil is a humanist , and he sees dignity in all other people, even in his enemies. Such a view of him allows him to taken advantage of, such  as by his Sister and Sandip. Nikhil's humanist stance also Presents him from siding with one Particular faction ; he sees value in both traditionally  Indian and English ways of thinking. Nikhil rarely asserts himself when People take advantage of him because he often feels that he has no power or right to his own possessions and Thoughts. Nikhil was an Inspired Idealist. 

    "He lived and Worked and stood for what he Considered to be the truth of all life."

  In Nikhil, the hero of 'The Home and the world', a good deal of Tagore's Personal views and Ideology has come out. His Political philosophy, Concept of nationalism radical and advanced views about female education and liberal yet profound sense of love are all Subtly expressed in the character of Nikhilesh (Nikhil).

 3. Sandip :-   Sandip is the third major Character in Rabindranath Tagore's novel -'The Home and the world', Completing the love triangle. He is a guest in the home of nikhil and Bimala and his revolutionary ideas and speeches have a significant impact on the character of Bimala. He is very vocal in his anti - imperialistic views and is a skilled orator. 

   "Sandip represents Characteristics that are directly opposite to Nikhil."

  Sandip is impassioned and Stirs the emotions not only on Bimala , but the People of Bengal. He spreads  the notion of Swadeshi - using goods made locally and Boycotting British ones.  He was a kind of Person who trying to use Bimala and also her money. However his character is far from ideal Patriot. His motivations are selfish. He fools People with his mask of goodness , something that nikhil sees through the begginings of  Sandip's relationship with his mother.

     At one Point in the novel he Convinced Bimala to steal money from her house and her husband for the 'Cause.' Sandip's Presence in the novel Concludes him fleeing. While , His Speeches and ideas are resulted in Communal riots. 

 □  Critical  Analysis of  the  Novel  :- 

    'The Home and the World' is a novel that reads like allegory on the failure of the Indian Nationalist Projects, Circling around the issues of  Home verses world , tradition versus Modernity created by the active involvement of the colonisers in the Cultural, economic and administrative life of the Colonised. "The Home and the World" is a novel by Rabindranath Tagore, first published in 1916. It is a complex work that explores themes of nationalism, identity, and the role of women in Indian society during the early 20th century. Here is a critical analysis of the novel :- 

1. Nationalism and Identity : The novel is set against the backdrop of the Swadeshi movement, which was a part of the Indian struggle for independence. Through the characters of Nikhil and Sandip, Tagore presents two contrasting views of nationalism. Nikhil advocates for a more moderate and inclusive form of nationalism, emphasizing the importance of dialogue and understanding between different communities. Sandip, on the other hand, represents an aggressive and divisive form of nationalism that seeks to stoke religious and communal tensions. Tagore uses these characters to critique the extremes to which nationalism can be taken and to call for a more balanced and inclusive approach to nation-building.

2. Women's Liberation :- The character of Bimala undergoes a significant transformation throughout the novel. Initially confined to the traditional role of a wife and homemaker, she becomes involved in the nationalist movement under Sandip's influence. Her journey symbolizes the struggle of women in that era to break free from societal constraints and find their own identity. However, her ultimate disillusionment with Sandip's radicalism and her return to Nikhil's more balanced worldview suggest that Tagore does not see blind adherence to any ideology, even nationalism, as a solution to women's liberation.

3. Complex Characters :-  Tagore's characters are not one-dimensional. They grapple with conflicting emotions, desires, and loyalties. Nikhil, for instance, is a character who represents reason and tolerance, but he is not without flaws or inner conflicts. This complexity adds depth to the narrative and allows readers to relate to the characters on a human level.

4. Narrative Style :-  Tagore employs a first-person narrative, with the three main characters taking turns to tell their side of the story. This shifting perspective allows readers to see the events from multiple viewpoints, highlighting the subjectivity of truth and the complexities of human relationships.

5. Symbolism :-  The novel is rich in symbolism. The home represents tradition, stability, and the status quo, while the world signifies change, uncertainty, and the lure of the external. Bimala's journey between these two realms mirrors the larger societal and political shifts taking place in India during that time.

6. Language and Translation :-  Tagore originally wrote the novel in Bengali, and it has been translated into many languages. The nuances and poetic beauty of Tagore's writing can be challenging to fully capture in translation. The choice of language and the act of translation itself become significant themes in the novel, highlighting the complexities of communication and understanding.

In conclusion, " The Home and the World " is a thought-provoking and layered novel that delves into the intricacies of nationalism, personal identity, and the role of women in a changing society. Tagore's nuanced characters and narrative style make it a timeless work that continues to be relevant for readers interested in exploring these themes.

  ● Movie Adaptation :-  "Ghare Baire"

     Ghare Baire is a 1984 Indian Bengali - language romantic drama film directed and written by Satyajit Ray. Based on Rabindranath Tagore's novel of the same name and title. The film has a Complex Portrayal of several themes including Nationalism , women emancipation , tradition versus modernism and others. 

 On 20th July, Megha Ma'am Organised Movie screening of the Bengali film 'Ghare Baire' with English Subtitles. Watching a film Provides all of us with a unique Perspective in understanding the text. Experiencing the emotions of the characters through the film was truly Captivating. We all enjoyed the screening and It was truly a delightful experience. Moreover , watching together allowed us to discuss and share ideas with each other. 

  Here I am sharing the Glimpses of Screening :- 


     ● Reading Session :- 

    Reading has always been immensely helpful in gaining a better understanding of any Particular Text. As a Part of Classroom activity, Megha Ma'am Organised a reading Session for Tagore's novel - The Home and the world.' The entire novel consists of a total of 12 chapter.

   During the reading Session , we highlighted some of the Key lines and Passages from the Novel to better grasp the characters and themes Presented in it. We all thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Thanks to Megha Ma'am for Organising this insightful Session. Here I am sharing the Glimpses of Reading Session :- 

   Here I end my blog. I hope that it will be helpful to you..

  Thanks  for Visiting...✨️😊

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